Fire, Water, Air, Earth


Without understanding the quality and presence of these elements in your home, we will build up and out.

Through an analysis of your existing systems, we’ll look at the overall health and toxicity of your structure- the living being that is your home and work space. Heating and cooling, water filtration, material toxicity and EMF fields, we’ll assess options on mitigation and resolutions. With systems experts, we can eliminate or modify exposure to EMF, toxins and interferences that are harmful or disruptive.

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Glass is an incredibly versatile material that offers limitless possibilities for enhancing the aesthetic appeal and functionality of a space. Here's how we can explore the diverse range of glass applications to create glamorous and grounded installations:

  1. Water: Analysis and testing allows a view onto the most important and potentially disruptive element in our lives. Through many types of solutions, water structure and quality can be improved fairly easily and quickly.

  2. Earth: Our experience with earth, dirt, sand, rock, and the ground are basic to our thriving health. How do you incorporate and experience outside?

  3. Air: Clean air, controlled and managed, in our personal space, provides us with the ability to restore as we navigate through different degrees of breathing in toxicity. Whether city pollutants, or rural pollutants from fire, pesticides or contaminants, we can mitigate the toxins in our personal air space.

  4. Fire: Fire literally brings the heat to fire our body and mind- whether watching a live fire, sitting outside next to a fire, cooking with fire, curling up by the fire on a cold, stormy day, fire is a basic necessity for survival and peace. This is a place of ritual and regeneration, that can take on many forms.

  5. Wellness Balance: Water, earth, air and fire enables us to reconnect with ourselves and our basic needs. Honoring how we engage and take in the elements is not only thoughtful, but responsible. We will help you build ritual, playfulness and restorative health practices through these main elements of living.